Model DCC-J250 Bullnose Grinder
The DCC-J250 Bullnose Grinder is a heavy-duty machine ideal for grinding a bullnose or chamfer on any corners of a concrete block from solid. This machine can also be easily adapted for grinding scores on either the long or short face. Its compact design takes up very little floor space and requires only one operator.
Machine Features:
- Rigid, Heavy-Duty Welded Construction
- Bullnose, Chamfer, and Score Both Short and Long Faces
- Ergonomic Features
- Fixture & Clamping System Allows Rapid Adjustment from 4″ to 12″ Blocks
- Direct Drive – No Belts or Sheaves
- Ported Wheel Cover For Easy Hook-Up To Water Or Optional Dust Collection System
Dimensions: 60″ long x 60″ wide x 50″ high
Weight: 1,100 lbs
Production Rate: 130 to 150 short (8″) faces per hour and 70 to 90 long (16″) faces per hour
Motor: 480 volts -3 phase, 10 HP Severe-Duty; Optional: 240 volts

Model DCC-J275 End Grinder
The DCC-J275 End Grinder is a heavy-duty machine designed to efficiently grind ends or the face of concrete masonry units, including “L” shaped blocks, using a single layer “Di-Coated” diamond drum. Its compact design takes up very little floor space and requires only one (1) operator. The standard machine is set up for wet grinding, but it can be offered as an optional dry grinding system.
Dimensions: 48″ long x 48″ wide x 60″ high
Weight: 1,800 lbs
Motor: 480 volts -3 phase, 15HP Severe-Duty
Optional: (240 volts)
Machine Features:
- Rigid, Heavy-Duty Welded Construction
- Grind End or Face of Concrete Masonry Units
- Ergonomic Features
- 9″ Diameter “DiCoated” Solid Drum
- Hydraulic Clamping of Blocks
- Adjustable Drum
- Micro Processor ( Safety Interlock System )
- Wet Grinding Set-Up
- Automatic Coolant Control

Model DCC-J300 Bond Beam Saw
The DCC-J300 Bond Beam Saw is a heavy duty machine designed to efficiently cut web sections in CMU’s. Blocks move continuously in a single row on a variable speed conveyor. The basic machine is setup for wet sawing two slots at the appropriate depth in a single pass utilizing single layer diamond coated or metal bond segmented diamond blades.
Machine Features:
- Rigid, Heavy-Duty Construction
- Multiple Speed Conveyor (6-8-10 ft./min.)
- Horizontal And Vertical Adjustable Block Guides (Fence)
- Two Adjustable 16″ Diameter Single Layer Diamond Coated Or Metal Bond Segmented Diamond Blades.
- Stainless Steel Spindle And Blade Locking Hubs For Easy Wash Down Maintenance
- Pop Relief Spindle Bearings For Easy Blade Change
- Blade Assembly And Motor Mounted On Pivot Fixture For Quick Blade Depth Adjustment
- Protective Guarding on Sheaves, Belts, Spindle And Blades
Machine: 6′ wide x 8′ long x 6′ high
Weight: Approx. 2,500 lbs
Motor: 15 HP Severe Duty 480 volt 3-phase (optional: 240V)
Coolant Requirement: 8-10 gal./min. (two blades & rinse station)
Production Rate/Operation Guidelines: (Approximate) 4 blocks/min. at 6 ft./min. conveyor speed (6″ depth of cut) 6 blocks/min. at 8 ft./min. conveyor speed (4″ depth of cut) 8 blocks/min. at 10 ft./min. conveyor speed (2″ depth of cut)

Model DCC-Z500 Masonry Thru-Feed Grinder
The DCC-Z500 Masonry Block Grinder is a heavy- duty machine designed for high production face grinding of CMU’s using “Di-Coated” Diamond Drums and / or vertical spindle wheels. The modular grinding station setup offers the rapid stock removal of diamond drums and the excellent finish of a vertical spindle diamond disc. Sequential power-up of motors helps cut power cost and prevents power surge.

- Machine: 5′ wide x 16′ long x 10′ high
- Electrical Control Box (Free-Standing): 1′ wide x 6′ long x 5′ high
Weight: 18,000 lbs
- Roughing Station (Drum): 30 HP Severe-Duty
- Semi-Finishing Station (Drum): 30 HP Severe-Duty
- Finishing Station (Drum): 15 HP Severe-Duty
- Extra Fine Finishing Station (Disc): 15 HP Severe-Duty
- 480 Volt – 3 Phase Optional: (240 Volts)
Coolant Requirement:
- 10-12 gal./min./station
- Coolant Delivery/Cleaning Manifolds
- Thru-Spindle Coolant Of Vertical Heads
Production Rate:
- Three Programmable Speeds Producing 12-18 Blocks/minute.
- 22 Blocks/minute maximum
Machine Features:
- Rigid, heavy-duty welded construction
- Belt/Platen multiple speed conveyor system (8-10-12 ft./min.)
- Modular grinding cell configuration Accommodates up to four stations Head Spindles
- Diamond Grinding drums skewed for improved finish & extended life
- Special belt drive system to suppress noise levels
- Centralized grease fittings
- Ergonomic design
Block Height Adjustment:
- Microprocessor controlled height adjustment for block size changes
- Pre-programmed settings for 4, 6, 8, 10, 12″ CMU’s & 16″ specialty blocks
- Height adjustment of all grinding stations can be lowered uniformly for grinding opposite side of block — at push of a button
- All heads simultaneously move up & down automatically determined by
restrictor bar position - Push-button manual over-ride to change grind depth to non-standards
- Hand-held “Zero-Out” control for calibrating individual drums & vertical wheels
- Safety Feature–Automatic block height restrictor bar to prevent crashes
Drum Information:
- Quick & easy diamond drum or disc change-over
- Drums can be recoated by Di-Coat Corp. using high grade GE Diamond
- Reconditioned or new drums supplied ready to mount with pre-installed pillow block bearings
Control Panel:
- Free-standing control panel permits ease of operation & floor space optimization
- Display prompts operator of required action
- Single command to select 1st, or 2nd, side grind height
- Digital display of fine adjustment of grinding heads
- Each grind station may be individually active or off-line
- Analog display of amperage draw for each grind station
- Pause mode stops conveyor but leaves grinding heads running
- Programmable stock removal setting for each station
- On-screen programming