Jig Grinding
CBN for I.D. and Jig Grinding of High Speed Steels and Alloys and Diamonds for I.D. and Jig Gridning of Carbides and Non-Metallics.

Diamond Coated Surgical Products
Di-Coat Corporation excels in contract manufacturing of diamond surgical burs with the emphasis on quality.

Diamond Wear & Gripping Surfaces
Our diamond coating is one of the best “no fuss” products available to provide that extra grip to hold your workpiece.

Diamond & CBN Grinding Wheels
Di-Coat designs and manufactures Diamond & CBN grinding wheels for all sorts of applications.

Re-Plating Process
Di-Coat offers a Strip and Re-plate process that reduces cost and lead times to worn out single layer tooling.

Diamond Honing
Di-Coat offers single-pass precision with our quality engineered superabrasive hones.